Hi Paul,

I recently read Stratasys and Desktop Metal merged. Maybe I missed your update on this however could you please give us your thoughts on this merger and which stock will survive. Thank you

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I think someone has forgotten that a number of these stocks were purchased 2-3 years ago, not 8 months ago. Some, like PSTG is up 68% from when I first purchased it, when you were still with BH. If you only purchased PSTG 6 months ago you'd be ahead by 200%+. Some of us old timers are still recovering from the massive losses we have incurred from those earlier purchase dates. These numbers, regarding gains, are somewhat skewed if you don't go back to the original buy recommendation date which could be back 2, 3 or even 4 years ago.

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Hey, Greg! The dates we enter stocks in our portfolio never changes and is publicly available for our community to track. I think the confusion may be that some of our stocks are in multiple portfolios. For example, for stocks we have strong conviction on, we may open a call options contract on a stock that's already in another portfolio. Please keep this in mind.

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So was the Sell for Rambus selling out of the Option service or the Silver (PU) service?

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Hey, Julia! At this point, we sold both of them for a pretty big profit!

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